Qigong Chi Kung Holidays

The holiday season is a time of great excitement and merriment for many, but it can also be a time of stress and worry for some. When you leave your home and family behind for a period of time, it’s easy to forget about maintaining your own health.

Plan Your Trip

Before you embark on any trip, even a short one, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor and get your vaccinations up to date.

This may sound like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t take this step.

Eat Well

It’s easy to eat poorly when you’re away from home. You may be stressed, tired, and eager to relax after a long journey, so you may not have the best judgment. The best way to maintain good health while you’re away is to eat well. Try to pack your meals with fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.